Wondering why manifestation isn't working?

How To Use “Moon Frequencies” to Manifest Your Dream Life in 12 Months

This is THE MISSING PIECE that most manifestation gurus don’t know....


Learn How to Harness the “Power”of the Moon & Your Life Will Never Be the Same again

What if I told you that the moon holds the only key to unlocking your manifestation potentials?

That by aligning your energy with the lunar cycles...

You could tap into a powerful force that can make your wildest dreams a reality easily in less than 1 year?

It may sound like something out of a fantasy novel...

But the 111% guaranteed truth is that it's 111% effective and ...

Our ancestors have been using this knowledge for centuries to manifest:

✨ Limitless Abundance

✨ True Love

✨ Pure Health

✨ And Ultimate Success in their lives

Limitless Abundance

True Love

Pure Health

And now...
You too can learn how to harness the magic of the moon to transform your reality.

Imagine being able to:

✨ Manifest your dream career...

✨ Your ideal true love partner...

✨ Limitless financial freedom...

✨ And perfect health and happiness...

And Ultimate success in their lives

Manifest your dream career...

Your ideal true love partner...

Limitless Financial freedom...

And perfect health and happiness

All in less than 1 year...

This isn't just some dream anymore...

It's something within anyone's reach, even yours...

Just like:


Beth was able to manifest her dream job, and help her children manifest to grow their families and have kids. Both her children are now expecting their children and Beth is happily enjoying her dream job and her life.


She was able to manifest many of her dreams in both  her personal and professional life. And with her new manifestation super powers she now feels like a totally different person than the person she used to be before she joined manifest now (aka: DIY your happy life) online course.


Layla manifested her dream husband and her financial freedom in less than 1 year. Today she is living debt free and happily married working in her dream career. She also manifested her dream body and skin all in less than 1 year. She is one of our most powerful manifestation magnets.

Connecting to the Moon’s Frequency Helped Me Go From Burned Out, Helpless & Hopeless to Abundant, Joyful & Fulfilled

Just like many people...

I was once at rock bottom...

Struggling with:

Health Issues

Toxic relationship

And financial hardships

🌑 Health issues

🌑 Toxic relationship

🌑 And financial hardship

And no matter how had I tried...

I couldn't seem to manifest my way out of the darkness.

I was living my worst days when I lost my only brother to sudden death on January 2019.

I was struggling in a toxic relationship with more than one ugly fight per week

I was working over 16 hours work everyday, and still struggled with my financial freedom

At that point I was lower than rock bottom... I was burned out...

No matter what methods I tried...

Whenever I felt like the universe was working for me

Or was about too work for me, I would fall back to square one again and again, more miserable than before.


Everything Changed for Me When I Discovered the power of the moon, sun, and earth energy alignment

The universe sent amazing people my way that helped me manifest even more

They showed me how to use the power of the sun, moon, and earth to align my energies fast and consistently.

I was able to manifest:

My dream man

My dream house

My baby and my beautiful little family

The growth of my business

Limitless Abundance & financial freedom

And have my ideal skin and body

  • My dream man

  • My dream house

  • My baby and my beautiful little family

  • The growth of my business

  • Limitless abundance and financial freedom

  • And have my ideal skin and body

All in less than 1 year...

Here's What Most Manifestations Gurus NEVER Talk About

They either don't know...

OR don't reveal this secret.

And it's the most important part when it comes to making manifestation work.

It's about tapping into the different frequencies of the moon, sun, and earth

Just like the moon controls the tides of the ocean

The same way the moon has a profound impact on the water level in our body, which has direct impact on our energy and manifestation abilities.

And most manifestation techniques completely IGNORE this.

You see, our bodies are made out of 60% water...

And the moon's gravitational pull affects us on a cellular level.

Every month...

The moon goes through different phases...

And each phase has a unique energy signature that can either:




Our manifestation powers.

[ Moon Phases ]

But it's not just about being aware of these lunar cycles

It’s also about knowing how to harness their energy through specific rituals and practices every single month based on the energies of that specific month.

And that's where most people get it WRONG.

They try to manifest WITHOUT aligning their energy with the moon...

And as a result...

They experience a constant push and pull...

Like trying to swim against the current.

It's exhausting, frustrating, and ultimately futile.

Ancient civilizations have been using lunar rituals for thousands of years

They have used it to manifest:

✨ Unlimited abundance and success...

✨ True love...

✨ 100% healthy body...

✨ And pure joy...

Unlimited Abundance and success...

Trule Love...

100% healthy body...

And pure joy...

The moon has always been a powerful force for transformation.

But somewhere along the way...

This knowledge got lost or suppressed.

And now, we're left with incomplete manifestation teachings that only scratch the surface of what's truly possible.

So, if you've been:

👉 Having a hard time attracting consistent success in your
financial area

👉 Stuck in a toxic relationship

👉 Suffering from a chronic disease

👉 Constantly worried about your loved ones and the future...

Having a hard time attracting consistent success in your financial area

Stuck in a toxic relationship

Suffering from a chronic disease

Constantly worried about your loved ones and the future

It's NOT your fault...

And it's NOT because you're doing something wrong or because you're not worthy.

It's actually because you haven't been given the full picture.

The Secret to Effortless Manifestation Lies Within Harnessing the Power of the Moon, Sun & Earth

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to manifest their desires with ease...

While others struggle for years without seeing results?

The answer lies in understanding and aligning with the powerful energies of the moon.

By tapping into the specific frequencies of the moon at different phases each month...

We can supercharge our manifestations and bring our dreams into reality faster than ever before.

Here's how it works:

The moon, the sun, and earth and their frequencies controls every human being’s energy alignment level and therefore their manifestation power...

And these frequencies are the energies which puts us out of whack every single month.

Every month the moon's changing energies affect water surfaces like ocean...

And since our bodies are made up of 60% water...

These changes also affects our body which has direct effect on our energy alignment level.


This shift happens every single month...

But it's not just the moon...

The sun and earth also play a crucial role in this cosmic dance.

As these celestial bodies shift their positions each month...

They create powerful energetic shifts that can either work for or against your manifestation efforts.

It's all about aligning your own energy with the frequencies of the moon, sun, & earth by doing the right rituals 2 times each and every month

This is why visualization, meditation, and journaling alone don't work.

The sun, the moon and earth's changing energies impact your frequencies...

And as a result, affecting your progress every single month.

If you want your manifestation efforts to become reality...

You need to align your frequencies to these moon's changing energies.

By tapping into these monthly frequencies, you'll finally become a manifestation magnet and attract your dream life in less than 1 year.

And that's exactly what successful people did thousands of years ago when practicing moon rituals.

And this is what thousands of people, including myself did and do every single month to:

Attract our true soulmate
and create a loving, passionate relationship

Manifest our dream career
or build a successful business doing what we love

Achieve unlimited and ongoing financial abundance
and live a life of freedom and luxury

Heal our body and mind, and experience vibrant health and well-being

Live in our dream home
and create a beautiful fulfilling life on our own terms

✨Instead of worrying for our loved ones and for our own future, we build and create our desired future and outcome for ourselves and our loved ones.

Attract our true soulmate and create a loving, passionate relationship

Manifest our dream career or build a successful business doing what we love

Achieve unlimited and ongoing financial abundance and live a life of freedom and luxury

Heal our body and mind, and experience vibrant health and well-being

Live in our dream home and create a beautiful fulfilling life on our own terms

Instead of worrying for our loved ones and for our own future, we build and create our desired future and outcome for ourselves and our loved ones.

Just like:


Leila manifested her dream health. Before she joined Mankfest now (aka DIY your happy life) online course She was diagnosed with a rare skin disease. She was told by the doctors hat she could no longer travel because sun was poison for her condition, and she was never going get her health back, even worse information was that doctors said she will get worse and worse every year that passed. She joined our amazing manifest now online course, and she got her full health back in less than 9 months. Doctors are left in shock and she is now traveling the world.


Daniella was looking for ultimate happiness initially when she joined Shadi's program. Her dream was to be able to manifest all her dreams together.  In less than 12 months not only she found the happiest version of herself, but also she became the manifestation magnet of her life.


Tina joined Shadi's program to manifest health for her mom, but once she realized how much manifestation power she has, she began the create the magic. Not only she changed her mother's life by helping her heal, she also changed her own life within 8 months.

This Ancient Ritual Allowed Me to Finally Find the Happiness, Peace & Fulfillment I Had Been Seeking For so Long

Shadi Amiri

Manifestation Coach Specialized in the
Moon, Sun & Earth Energy Alignment

Shadi Amiri

Manifestation Coach Specialized in the
Moon, Sun & Earth Energy Alignment

Hi, I’m Shadi,

I’m a manifestation coach...

And I know firsthand how frustrating and painful it can be to feel stuck in a life that doesn't align with your deepest desires.

Just a few years ago, I found myself at rock bottom - trapped in a toxic relationship, grieving the loss of my brother, and struggling financially while I was struggling with health issues.

I was desperate for change, but no matter what manifestation techniques I tried, I always seemed to end up back at square one.

It wasn't until I discovered the power of aligning my energy with the moon, sun, and earth that everything shifted.

Hi, I’m Shadi,

I’m a manifestation coach...

And I know firsthand how frustrating and painful it can be to feel stuck in a life that doesn't align with your deepest desires.

Just a few years ago, I found myself at rock bottom - trapped in a toxic relationship, grieving the loss of my brother, and struggling financially while I was struggling with health issues.

I was desperate for change, but no matter what manifestation techniques I tried, I always seemed to end up back at square one.

It wasn't until I discovered the power of aligning my energy with the moon, sun, and earth that everything shifted.

Within less than a year, I:

🌟 Healed my body 111%

🌟 Met and Married my soulmate...

🌟 Gave birth to a beautiful child...

🌟 Moved into my dream home...

🌟 And watched my business thrive...

Within less than a year, I:

I healed my body by 111%

Moved into my dream home...

Met and married my soulmate...

And watched my business thrive..

Met and married my soulmate...

As I worked with & taught these techniques to 100s of women...

I witnessed them experiencing similarly miraculous transformations in their own lives:

✨ Manifesting true love...

✨ Unlimited abundance...

✨ Magical health...

✨ And success beyond their wildest dreams like...

Manifesting true love...

Unlimited Abundance...

Magical Health...

And Success beyond their wildest dreams like...


Hamideh wanted to exit a dark world of impossibles, fears and doubts when she came across Shadi's program. Shadi helped her get out of that darkness Nd brought her into a world of beauty, possibilities and joy. Hamideh wanted to be an independent entrepreneur which she always thought would not be possible in this lifetime for her, however she is now a beautiful, joyful, successful and peaceful mom and entrepreneur, who considers herself a manifestation magnet, and full-moon her magic wand.


Pegah joined Shadi's program to attract love, success, and positive energies. She was at first very skeptical but soon after she got extremely hooked by the moon rituals and surprised by the miracles coming into her life one after another.


Elyna initially joined Shadi's online course "manifest now" to manifest her business success. She successfully manifested fellow of abundance within 5 months and ever since she manifested many more of her dreams one after another. She is known as the luck magnet of her family.

Seeing the profound impact this wisdom had on myself and so many others...

I knew I had to find a way to share it with even more women around the world.

That's why I've created a comprehensive program that teaches everything you need to know about aligning your energy with the moon, sun, and earth...

And become a manifestation magnet.

Learn to Become a Manifestation Magnet & Attract Anything You Want Faster & Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible...

In less than 12 months

Inside, you're going to get monthly moon rituals based on the energies of each month (for the rest of your life), video lessons, tools and methods to create the magic in your life, guided meditations, and monthly live sessions to get you from zero manifestation experience, to manifesting your dream life in less than 12 months!



Follow My Step-by-Step Rituals now to Make Manifestation Work For You immediately & Attract Your Dream Life in less than 1 year

Monthly Moon Ritual Sessions:

Experience powerful transformations and manifest your deepest desires with ease through our Monthly Moon Ritual Sessions.

Each month, you'll receive expert guidance on how to align your energy with the specific frequencies of the new moon and full moon, according to the energies of that specific month allowing you to tap into the most potent manifesting energies and supercharge your results.

Monthly Live Sessions:

Get your questions answered, receive personalized support, and connect with a community of like-minded people through our Monthly Live Sessions.

These interactive sessions provide a space for you to deepen your understanding, share your experiences, and receive direct guidance from Shadi and other experienced manifestors.

Step-by-Step Lifetime Guidance:

Never feel lost or overwhelmed on your manifestation journey again.

This comprehensive program walks you through each step of the process, from setting powerful intentions to performing the most effective methods, tools, and rituals, including moon rituals, ensuring that you have everything you need to manifest your dream life with confidence and clarity in less than 1 year.

What's Inside:

Module 1: Manifestation Power Essentials

In this foundational module, you'll dive deep into the core principles of manifestation and lay the groundwork for your transformative journey. Discover who you truly are and clarify your heart's deepest desires, as you learn to harness the power of intention and stay grounded in the present moment. Gain access to magical PDFs that will guide you through this essential first step.

What you'll learn:

✅Uncover your authentic self and align with your soul's purpose- Develop a powerful intention statement that will guide your manifestation journey

✅Master the art of present-moment awareness and release past and future worries

✅Gain clarity on your life goals and create a roadmap for manifestation success

✅Understand the role of self-awareness in manifesting your dreams

✅Learn to cultivate a positive mindset and eliminate limiting beliefs

✅Discover the secret to setting intentions that the universe can't ignore

✅Access transformative PDFs that will accelerate your manifestation process

Module 2: Self-Awareness of the Three of You

Self-awareness is the key to unlocking ultimate happiness and manifestation success. In this module, you'll explore the three aspects of your being - your conscious self, your inner child, and your higher self. Through powerful meditations and exercises, you'll learn to connect with and harmonize these aspects, creating a solid foundation for your manifestation journey.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the role of self-awareness in manifesting your dreams

✅Discover the three aspects of your being and how they influence your reality

✅Learn to connect with and heal your inner child, releasing past traumas and blocks

✅Access the wisdom of your higher self and align with your soul's purpose

✅Develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs

✅Cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, the cornerstones of manifestation success

✅Master powerful meditation techniques that will help you connect with your authentic self

✅Gain tools for creating a harmonious relationship between your conscious self, inner child, and higher self

Module 3: Tools to Create Inner Love and Trust

Love and trust are the twin flames of manifestation, igniting the fire of creation within your being. In this module, you'll discover essential tools for cultivating inner love and trust, allowing you to manifest from a place of deep self-acceptance and unwavering faith in the universe's support.

What you'll learn:

✅ Understand the crucial role of love and trust in the manifestation process

✅ Learn to cultivate unconditional self-love and acceptance

✅ Develop unshakeable trust in yourself, the universe, and the manifestation process

✅ Release fears and doubts that may be blocking your manifestation success

✅ Discover powerful exercises for building inner love and trust

✅ Learn to create a loving and supportive relationship with yourself

✅ Gain tools for maintaining inner love and trust during challenging times

✅ Understand how inner love and trust magnetize your desires and accelerate manifestation

Module 4: Magic of Crystals in Your Life (by a Professional Crystal Master)

Crystals are powerful allies in your manifestation journey, amplifying your intentions and raising your vibrational frequency. In this module, you'll be guided by a professional crystal master who will introduce you to the magical world of crystals and teach you how to harness their energy for self-love, healing, abundance, and manifestation success.

What you'll learn:

✅ Discover the basics of working with crystals for manifestation and personal growth

✅ Learn about the unique properties and energies of different crystals

✅ Understand how to choose the right crystals for your specific manifestation goals

✅ Gain practical tips for cleansing, charging, and programming your crystals

✅ Discover crystal layouts and rituals for self-love, healing, and relationship harmony

✅ Learn how to create crystal grids to amplify your manifestation intentions

✅ Explore the use of crystals for abundance, success, and financial prosperity

✅ Receive expert guidance and personal insights from a professional crystal master

Module 5: Your True Goal and Intentions + Warnings

Setting clear, authentic goals and intentions is crucial for manifestation success. In this module, you'll dive deeper into the art of goal-setting and learn how to align your intentions with your soul's true purpose. You'll also receive important warnings and guidance to help you navigate potential pitfalls on your manifestation journey.

What you'll learn:

✅ Understand the importance of setting authentic, soul-aligned goals

✅ Learn to identify and release limiting beliefs and mind blockages

✅ Discover powerful techniques for clarifying your intentions and amplifying their potency

✅ Gain access to a "magic wand" exercise for supercharging your manifestations

✅ Receive guidance on common manifestation mistakes and how to avoid them

✅ Learn to recognize signs from the universe and adjust your path accordingly

✅ Understand the role of detachment and surrender in the manifestation process

✅ Develop the skills to create clear, compelling intentions that manifest quickly and effortlessly

Module 6: Energy Cleanse Your Life, Your Food, Your Body

Energy is the language of the universe, and maintaining a high, clear vibrational frequency is essential for manifestation success. In this module, you'll learn powerful techniques for cleansing and purifying the energy of your body, your surroundings, and even your food, creating a vibrant, harmonious foundation for your manifestations.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the role of energy in the manifestation process

✅Learn to identify and release low-vibrational energies and blockages

✅Discover simple, effective techniques for cleansing your personal energy field

✅Gain tools for purifying the energy of your living space and belongings

✅ Learn to energetically cleanse and charge your food for optimal nourishment

✅Explore the connection between your chakras and your manifestation power

✅ Discover a powerful "negativity killer" exercise to maintain high, positive vibrations

✅Develop a daily energy cleansing routine to keep your manifestations flowing smoothly

Module 7: Healthy Brain for Powerful Manifestation (by Dr. Tomek)

A healthy, balanced brain is essential for harnessing the full power of manifestation. In this module, you'll be guided by Dr. Tomek, a renowned expert in brain health and optimization. Discover cutting-edge techniques and insights for enhancing your brain function, clarity, and manifestation abilities.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the connection between brain health and manifestation success

✅Discover nutrients and supplements that support optimal brain function

✅Learn simple, effective exercises for enhancing brain plasticity and clarity

✅Gain tools for managing stress and anxiety, which can block manifestations

✅Explore the power of neuroplasticity and how to rewire your brain for abundance

✅Receive expert tips and insights from Dr. Tomek, a leader in the field of brain optimization

✅Discover the role of sleep and rest in maintaining a healthy, manifestation-ready brain

✅Learn to create a brain-friendly lifestyle that supports your manifestation goals

Module 8: Language of the Universe and Spirit Guides

The universe is constantly communicating with you, offering guidance, support, and confirmation on your manifestation journey. In this module, you'll learn to decipher the language of the universe and connect with your spirit guides, accessing a rich source of wisdom and assistance.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the various ways the universe communicates with you

✅Learn to recognize and interpret signs, synchronicities, and divine guidance

✅Discover powerful techniques for connecting with your spirit guides and angels

✅Gain tools for clearing and releasing mind blockages that may prevent clear communication

✅Explore the role of intuition and inner knowing in the manifestation process

✅Learn to trust and act upon the guidance you receive from the universe and your guides

✅Discover how to ask for and receive clear, specific signs and messages

✅Develop a deep, trusting relationship with the universe and your spirit team

Module 9: Meditation Essential Preparation

Meditation is a cornerstone of manifestation, allowing you to still your mind, connect with your inner wisdom, and align your energy with your desires. In this module, you'll learn essential techniques for preparing yourself and your space for deep, transformative meditation practice.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the crucial role of meditation in the manifestation process
✅Learn to create a sacred, conducive environment for your meditation practice
✅Discover simple, effective techniques for quieting your mind and focusing your attention
✅Gain access to powerful, proven meditation preparation methods
✅Explore the use of mantras, mudras, and breathwork to enhance your meditations
✅Learn to set clear intentions and outcomes for your meditation sessions
✅Discover how to integrate meditation seamlessly into your daily life
✅Receive links to super-powerful, manifestation-enhancing mantras and music

Module 10: Your Guided Meditation Treasure Box Body

In this module, you'll gain access to a treasure trove of guided meditations, each designed to support a specific aspect of your manifestation journey. From connecting with your inner wisdom to releasing limiting beliefs and attracting abundance, these powerful meditations will be your go-to tools for accelerating your manifestations.

What you'll learn:

✅Discover the power of guided meditation for focused, intentional manifestation
✅Learn to create a personalized "safe space" for deep, transformative inner work
✅Gain tools for self-forgiveness, healing, and inner peace
✅Access a powerful "cord-cutting" meditation for releasing toxic relationships and patterns
✅Discover a "clarity meditation" for making aligned, confident decisions
✅Learn to use a "worry eraser meditation" to manage anxiety and maintain high vibrations
✅Explore the use of healing meditations for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being
✅Gain a "peace creator meditation" for harmonious relationships and peaceful resolutions

Module 11: Mind Control, Eliminate Negative People and Disasters

Your mind is your most powerful manifestation tool, and learning to master it is essential for success. In this module, you'll discover proven techniques for controlling your thoughts, eliminating negativity, and protecting yourself from external influences that may derail your manifestations.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the crucial role of your mind in the manifestation process

✅Learn powerful techniques for quieting mental chatter and focusing your thoughts

✅Discover tools for identifying and releasing limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns

✅Gain strategies for dealing with negative people and influences in your life

✅Learn to create strong energetic boundaries to protect your manifestations

✅Explore the power of affirmations and positive self-talk for reprogramming your mind

✅Discover a potent "mind-sharpening" tool for enhanced clarity and focus

✅Gain a proven method for eliminating negative people and disasters from your life

Module 12: Must-Have Manifestation Habits and Tools

Consistency is key when it comes to manifestation, and cultivating supportive daily habits is essential for long-term success. In this module, you'll discover the most effective manifestation habits and tools, and learn how to integrate them seamlessly into your life for ongoing growth and achievement.

What you'll learn:

✅Discover the most potent, proven manifestation habits for consistent results

✅Learn to create a daily manifestation routine that works with your lifestyle and goals

✅Gain tools for amplifying your self-love and self-care, essential for manifestation

✅Explore the power of gratitude and appreciation for magnetizing your desires

✅Discover how to use journaling and scripting to clarify and affirm your intentions

✅Learn to create and use vision boards and dream maps for powerful visual reinforcement

✅Gain access to magical recipes and elixirs for aligning your mind, body, and spirit

✅Develop a toolkit of go-to manifestation habits and practices for lifelong success

Module 13: Secrets of Shape Manifestation

The universe communicates through symbols and sacred geometry, and understanding the power of shapes can greatly enhance your manifestation abilities. In this module, you'll discover the hidden meanings and energies of various shapes, and learn how to use them to amplify your intentions and attract your desires..

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the basic principles of sacred geometry and its role in manifestation

✅Discover the specific energetic qualities and meanings of key shapes

✅Learn to use shapes in your meditation and visualization practices for enhanced power

✅Explore the use of shape-based rituals and altars for manifesting specific outcomes

✅Gain tools for incorporating sacred geometry into your living space for heightened energy

✅Discover how to use shapes in your daily life to attract and affirm your desires

✅Learn to create shape-based sigils and talismans for portable manifestation power

✅Develop a deeper understanding of the language of shapes and how to use it for co-creation

Module 14: Time to Manifest Your Big Goal (For Long-Term Goals)

Manifesting your big, long-term goals requires a specific approach and unwavering commitment. In this module, you'll gain the tools and strategies needed to bring your most ambitious dreams to life, and learn how to maintain your focus and alignment over an extended period.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the unique challenges and opportunities of long-term goal manifestation

✅Learn to break down your big goals into manageable, actionable steps

✅Discover powerful techniques for maintaining motivation and momentum over time

✅Gain tools for overcoming obstacles and setbacks on your manifestation journey

✅Learn to cultivate patience and trust in the unfolding of your long-term visions

✅Explore the power of inspired action and divine timing in the manifestation process

✅Discover how to use milestones and celebrations to affirm your progress and achievements

✅Develop a customized roadmap for manifesting your biggest, most audacious goals with ease

Module 15: Secrets of Numbers and Colors + a Bonus

Numbers and colors hold potent vibrational frequencies that can greatly influence your manifestations. In this module, you'll discover the hidden meanings and energies of key numbers and colors, and learn how to use them strategically to enhance your manifestation power. Plus, you'll receive a special bonus to further accelerate your results.

What you'll learn:

✅Understand the basic principles of numerology and color psychology in manifestation
✅Discover the specific energetic qualities and meanings of key numbers and colors
✅Learn to use numbers and colors in your affirmations, visualizations, and intentions
✅Explore the use of color therapy and chromotherapy for emotional and energetic balance
✅Gain tools for incorporating auspicious numbers and colors into your environment
✅Discover how to use numbers and colors to amplify the power of your manifestation rituals
✅Learn to interpret numerical and color-based signs and synchronicities from the universe

✅Develop a deeper understanding of the vibrational language of numbers and colors for manifestation
✅Plus, receive a special bonus to further accelerate your manifestation journey and results



Join 1000s of Happy &
Fulfilled People Who Are Now Living Their Wildest Dreams

Shana (Shadi's Mom)

Shadi's mom lost her son (Shadi's brother) on January 2019. Shadi came to her rescue even though she was grieving the loss of her brother. Shadi's methods and rifuals plus her coaching energies saved her mom and brought her back to herself once more.


Elyna initially joined Shadi's online course "manifest now" to manifest her business success. She successfully manifested felow of abundance within 5 months and eversince she manifested many more of her dreams one after another. She is known as the luck magnet of her family.


Pegah joined Shadi's program to attract love, success, and positive energies. She was at forst very skeptical but soon after she got extremely hooked by the moon rituals and surprised by the miracles coming into her life one after another.

Join Today & Get Bonus Manifestation secret tools , energy alignment tips & tools using the magic of shapes, all for Free as your welcome gift


Bonus #1: Moon Frequency Manifestation Master FOR FREE: (Value $444.00)

Unlock the secrets of moon frequencies and effortlessly manifest your dream life by integrating these powerful techniques into your daily routine for the rest of your life.

Enjoy a natural and enjoyable manifestation lifestyle that aligns with the moon's changing energies each month for the rest of your life.


Bonus #2: Tailor-Made Monthly Rituals FOR FREE: (Value $777.00)

Take the guesswork out of your manifestation practice with our tailor-made monthly rituals, designed to align your frequencies with the moon's changing energies for the rest of your life.

Consistently manifest abundance, success, and joy with the right ritual for each lunar shift.


Bonus #3: Self-Awareness Exercises FOR FREE: (Value $222.00)

Dive deep into your true self and connect with your hidden aspects through our transformative self-awareness exercises.

Attract ultimate happiness and set life changing boundaries by gaining a profound understanding of your innermost desires and aligning your energy with your authentic self.


Bonus #4: The Language of the Universe and Spirit Guides FOR FREE: (Value $222.00)

Gain clarity and power in your life by learning the language of the universe and your spirit guides.

Connect to your designated spirit guides in the most magical way and receive clear guidance and support on your manifestation journey, ensuring that you are always aligned with your highest path.


Bonus #5: Meditation Essential Preparations FOR FREE: (Value $111.00)

Discover the secrets to highly effective meditation to supercharge your manifestation results with our essential preparation techniques.

Tap into the moon's monthly energies to amplify the power of your meditation practice and experience profound shifts in your life, for the rest of your life.


Bring the magic of Crystals with the help of a fabulous crystal master FOR FREE (Value $222)

Manifest your biggest goals in less than a year by incorporating the magic of Crystals into your manifestation journey.

Become a manifestation magnet and effortlessly attract limitless abundance, true and pure love, ultimate health, and quick success in all areas of your life by harnessing the power of crystals and intentional journaling.



15-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Dive into the world of lunar manifestation and discover how aligning your energy with the moon can transform your life.

Put every ritual, exercise and technique to the test for a full 15 days...

And if you don't experience a profound shift in your manifestation abilities...

Then simply let me know and I’ll refund every penny - no questions asked.

I’m so confident in the power of this program that I want you to have the opportunity to try it without any risk whatsoever.

Discover How to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams in less than 12 Months

Lifetime Access to "Manifest Now" online course

New Course Updates & Modules

Bonus #1: Moon Frequency Manifestation Mastery

Bonus #2: Tailor-Made Monthly Rituals

Bonus #3: Self-Awareness Exercises

Bonus #4: The Language of the Universe and Spirit Guides

Bonus #5: Meditation Essential Preparations

Bonus #6: The Magic of Crystals in Your Manifestation Journey

Today's price:



One-time payment. Money-back guarantee.




Discover How to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams in less than 12 Months

  • Lifetime Access to "Manifest Now" online course

  • New Course Updates & Modules

  • Bonus #1: Moon Frequency Manifestation Mastery

  • Bonus #2: Tailor-Made Monthly Rituals

  • Bonus #3: Self-Awareness Exercises

  • Bonus #4: The Language of the Universe and Spirit Guides

  • Bonus #5: Meditation Essential Preparations

  • Bonus #6: The Magic of Crystals in Your Manifestation Journey

Today's price:



One-time payment. Money-back guarantee.



Limited Spots - Claim Yours Before They're Gone

Due to the intimate nature of this program, I can only accept a limited number of students.

And with the incredible response I normally receive...

Those spots tend to full up fast.

So if the link to join doesn't work, it means the program is full.

But if it works then you're in luck and there is a reason for us to be here together now.

So if you're ready to align your energy with the power of the moon and manifest your deepest desires, you need to act now.

Don't miss your chance to be one of the lucky few who get to experience the profound shifts that lunar manifestation can bring...

Claim your spot now before someone else does.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is included in the lunar manifestation program?

This is a lifetime program which includes Monthly Moon Energy rituals based on the energies of each month, Monthly Live Sessions with myself, Step-by-Step Guidance, Moon Frequency Manifestation Mastery, Tailor-Made Monthly and weekly Rituals, Self-Awareness Exercises, The Language of the Universe and Spirit Guides, Meditation Essential Preparations, and the magic I crystals in your manifestation journey.

How is this program different from other manifestation courses?

Our program is unique because it focuses on aligning your energy with the powerful frequencies of the moon, sun, and earth through specific rituals performed at key times each month. This ancient wisdom has been used by women for thousands of years to manifest their deepest desires and it works 111%. That's why we have money back guarantee, because we are sure about the magic we are about to teach you.

Do I need any prior experience with manifestation to benefit from this program?

No prior experience is necessary. Our program is designed to guide you through the process step-by-step, whether you're a complete beginner or have tried other manifestation techniques in the past.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the program each week?

The amount of time you dedicate is flexible and can be adapted to your schedule. Most of the rituals and exercises can be integrated into your daily life, and the live sessions are designed to fit around your commitments.

How long does it take to see results?

Many of our students report experiencing profound shifts and manifestations within the first few weeks of the program. However, everyone's journey is unique, and the speed of your results will depend on your individual circumstances and dedication to the practices.

What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

We offer a 15-day money-back guarantee. If you have completed all your rituals and applied the initial tools but you're not completely satisfied with the program within the first 15 days, simply reach out to our support team and we'll issue a full refund - no questions asked.

How long do I have access to the program materials?

You will have lifetime access to all the program materials, including any future updates or additions, so you can revisit and deepen your practice whenever you wish.

Is this program only for women?

While the program is designed with women in mind, as it draws on the ancient wisdom of feminine moon rituals, we currently have hundreds of male students and the principles and practices can be beneficial for anyone, regardless of gender.

Do I need any special tools or equipment to participate in the program?

No special tools or equipment are required. All you need is an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a desire to manifest your deepest desires in less than 1 year.

What if I miss a live session?

All live sessions are recorded and made available to program participants, so you can catch up on any missed sessions at your convenience.

Can I participate in the program if I live in a different time zone?

Yes, the program is designed to be accessible to participants worldwide. The live sessions are scheduled to accommodate different time zones, and all recorded materials can be accessed at any time.

How does Crystals create the magic in my manifestation?

Crystals come from the heart of mother earh. Our practices are also connected to earth, moon, and sun, therefore the enrgies from mother earh will completely shift your energies and will help you in your manifestation journey. You will learn it all from our amazing Crystal master.

Will I receive support and guidance throughout the program?

Yes, you'll have access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals, as well as guidance from experienced manifestation coaches who can answer your questions and provide personalized support.

Is the program content available in languages other than English?

At this time, the program content is only available in English. However, we are working on providing translations in the future to make the program accessible to more people worldwide.

Can I share the program materials with friends and family?

The program materials are for your personal use only. While we encourage you to share your experiences and insights with loved ones, we ask that you respect the intellectual property of the program and not share the materials themselves. Manifestation is all about energies and we blieve the one who joins our program is honest enough to follow our wish in this regard and keep a clean honest energy for their manifestation journey.

How often are the Monthly Moon rituals and Live Sessions held?

The Monthly Moon rituals are held twice a month, on the new moon and full moon, to align with the most powerful lunar energies. The Monthly Live Sessions are held once a month, providing an opportunity for Q&A and community connection.

Are the Tailor-Made Monthly Rituals suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Tailor-Made Monthly Rituals are designed to be accessible and effective for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Each ritual comes with clear, step-by-step instructions and can be adapted to suit your individual needs and preferences.

What kind of results can I expect from the program?

The results you experience will be unique to your individual journey, but many of our students report profound immediate shifts in their manifestation abilities, increased abundance and joy in all areas of life within weeks, improved relationships, and a deeper sense of connection to their own inner wisdom and the universe all of which happens quickly and easy for them.

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes, we offer a flexible payment plan option to make the program accessible to as many people as possible. You can choose to pay in full or spread the cost over several months.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

If you're feeling called to align with the power of the moon and manifest your deepest desires, if you're ready to experience profound transformation and create the life of your dreams in less than a year, then this program is for you. Trust your intuition and take the first step towards the life you truly want.

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